Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday, September 21st

"It's the last day to wear your favorite summer outfits," proclaimed Pat Keiren from NY1.

Dusty blue, warm, kinda humid. 72 degrees. Gonna be 81 degrees, then back down to 67.


N: I waited about ten minutes. I missed the "double, double", as I like to call it--when the two trains come back to back. It happens about once a morning, usually around this time. But, as I saw the second of the "double, double" zoom by as I neared the station, I knew things'd be a little miffed for the commute.

7: And, low and behold, the train was across the platform and as the N train doors opened, the 7 train shut it's doors and took off. I was then subjected to a ridiculous conversation about some woman's egsima was so bad when she was a kid, her skin fell off her ears.

Dude. Seriously. Don't scatch so hard. Next, shut the hell up.

G: This train, suprisingly, waited for me. Fine ride.

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