Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Monday, September 4th

Clear, blue sky. Fall is quietly easing itself in. 8:15am.

75 degrees.

Back on the rails after a 10-day vacation to the West--and MidWest--Coast.

N: Arrived as I reached the end of the platform. There was a seat for me.

7: Arrived as I exited the train. Stubborn 7 train riders who positioned themselves closest to the door (to be first to leave at their designated stop) meant that I had to, literally, push my way into the car past them.

G: There was no train in the station for almost ten minutes. Once a train pulled in, there was a crush of people getting off and trying to get on. I stood patiently beside an old lady, who stood beside a steel pole, and let her on first.

As a reward for my patience, the train doors almost closed on my head. I got a seat and read the rest of the journey.

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